Buildup for Bub Package

This package is ideal for women who are pregnant or contemplating a pregnancy. It will ensure the best possible preparation for the rigours of pregnancy, birth and the early parenting period.
Package includes:
  • Nutritional assessment including computerised diet analysis, body composition evaluation (with printed report), assessment of individual needs and tailored nutritional program, including advice on nutritional supplements
  • Physical assessment of posture and pelvic joint assessment with tailored exercise program to reduce sacro-iliac joint, pubic symphysis and coccygeal problems (may include Fitball, modified Pilates, yoga-based exercises, free weights, general exercise advice)
  • Pelvic floor assessment* and specific retraining of the deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles

Total Value $340

3 consultations for $295, paid upfront or in 3 installments of $75

*Including vaginal assessment of pelvic floor muscle function (optional, and only if not pregnant)