This site is designed for every woman, of any age, who wants to regain the health and well-being of her pelvis. Please take your time to explore the site.
Want to get started on freeing your pelvis straight away? To make an appointment to see me, email me on equilib@bigpond.net.au. For a map of where we are located, click here.
Want to be brought up-to-date on vulvodynia, vestibulitis, prolapse, incontinence, interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome or another health condition? Click on the name of the condition in the right-hand column under Specialties.
Looking for an ideal gift for your mum, sister, wife or girlfriend? Gift vouchers are available for a number of exciting packages - see the right-hand column.
Want a telephone appointment? These are available if you live outside of Brisbane and can't make it into Brisbane regularly, providing your first appointment is in the clinic. Email me on equilib@bigpond.net.au for more information. (Note - conditions apply.)
Want to make an enquiry? Email me on equilib@bigpond.net.au
Want to find out more about my credentials and experience? See “About Me” in the right-hand column.
Want regular, free health advice? Email me to subscribe to the free “equilibrate” newsletter.
Want to be kept up-to-date on developments in vulvodynia, vestibulitis, vaginismus, interstitial cystitis and chronic pelvic pain? Email me on equilib@bigpond.net.au to subscribe to the “Free Your Pelvis” newsletter.
Think you need to see me, but are not sure you are ready? See “Testimonials” in the right-hand column, and read my profile below.
Alyssa Tait (B Phty, Postgrad Cert Continence and Pelvic Floor, Grad Dip Nutrition Med) is passionate about helping women achieve optimal health. She has undergone specialised training in Norway and across Australia and has extensive experience in all aspects of women's health physiotherapy. A further dimension to Alyssa's practice is provided by nutrition medicine. Alyssa's extensive knowledge of nutrition and its effects on physiology are applied in comprehensive treatment programs to provide a superior result to physiotherapy alone. Alyssa lectures on pelvic floor dysfunction in the University of Qld postgraduate program and has co-authored evidence-based guidelines in incontinence for health professionals. Her depth of understanding of scientific research and commitment to ongoing professional development ensure clients are provided with cutting-edge treatment programs.
Want to get started on freeing your pelvis straight away? To make an appointment to see me, email me on equilib@bigpond.net.au. For a map of where we are located, click here.
Want to be brought up-to-date on vulvodynia, vestibulitis, prolapse, incontinence, interstitial cystitis, irritable bowel syndrome or another health condition? Click on the name of the condition in the right-hand column under Specialties.
Looking for an ideal gift for your mum, sister, wife or girlfriend? Gift vouchers are available for a number of exciting packages - see the right-hand column.
Want a telephone appointment? These are available if you live outside of Brisbane and can't make it into Brisbane regularly, providing your first appointment is in the clinic. Email me on equilib@bigpond.net.au for more information. (Note - conditions apply.)
Want to make an enquiry? Email me on equilib@bigpond.net.au
Want to find out more about my credentials and experience? See “About Me” in the right-hand column.
Want regular, free health advice? Email me to subscribe to the free “equilibrate” newsletter.
Want to be kept up-to-date on developments in vulvodynia, vestibulitis, vaginismus, interstitial cystitis and chronic pelvic pain? Email me on equilib@bigpond.net.au to subscribe to the “Free Your Pelvis” newsletter.
Think you need to see me, but are not sure you are ready? See “Testimonials” in the right-hand column, and read my profile below.
Alyssa Tait (B Phty, Postgrad Cert Continence and Pelvic Floor, Grad Dip Nutrition Med) is passionate about helping women achieve optimal health. She has undergone specialised training in Norway and across Australia and has extensive experience in all aspects of women's health physiotherapy. A further dimension to Alyssa's practice is provided by nutrition medicine. Alyssa's extensive knowledge of nutrition and its effects on physiology are applied in comprehensive treatment programs to provide a superior result to physiotherapy alone. Alyssa lectures on pelvic floor dysfunction in the University of Qld postgraduate program and has co-authored evidence-based guidelines in incontinence for health professionals. Her depth of understanding of scientific research and commitment to ongoing professional development ensure clients are provided with cutting-edge treatment programs.
Operation: Health! Package
Know someone having surgery, and want to help them, but unsure how? This is an ideal gift to someone having to go through the rigours of surgery. This package is designed to promote a full, rapid recovery following surgery, and can start anytime in the first three months after the operation. Package includes:
- Full assessment of health history
- Physical assessment for signs of nutritional deficiencies
- Dietary analysis with computerised printout
- Individualised nutrition program for best recovery
- Assessment of muscle length and function in the surgical area
- Physical exercises and specific nutrition to promote best scar healing
- Advice on appropriate nutritional supplements
Total Value $340
3 sessions at $295, paid upfront or in 3 installments
Restore Your Core Package
Keen to get your body on track? Thinking about Pilates or yoga, but not sure your body is up to it? The Restore Your Core package is the ideal stepping stone to Pilates, yoga and other strong exercise approaches. Optimising the function of your pelvic floor muscles and deep abdominals is critical before doing strong forms of exercise to avoid developing or aggravating bladder weakness, prolapse or back pain. Package includes:
- Assessment of pelvic floor and deep abdominal muscle function
- Specific, individualised pelvic floor and abdominal exercises
- Progressive core stability exercises using Modified Pilates and/or the Fitball, free weights
Total Value $325
3 sessions for $280, paid upfront or in 3 installments
Pelvic Power Package
Feeling the effects of maturity on the pelvic floor? This program is ideal for women who are keen to be active and stay young while becoming acquainted with menopause! This program will optimise function of your pelvic floor, helping to avoid incontinence and prolapse, and support your back and abdominals. Restore your pelvic power! Package includes:
- Assessment of pelvic floor muscle function with a tailored rehabilitation program
- Advice on the best forms of exercise for you
- Dietary evaluation with computerised printout
- Individualised nutrition program for optimal health
- Advice on the best nutritional supplements for vitality
Total Value $340
3 consultations at $295, paid upfront or in 3 installments of $65
Bowels Behaving Badly Package
Got disgruntled bowels? This package will get your insides on the road to good health again. Ideal for sufferers of irritable bowel syndrome, constipation or suspected food sensitivities. Package includes:
- Comprehensive assessment of your health history
- Computerised nutritional analysis with printed report
- Physical examination for signs of nutritional deficiencies
- Evaluation of your gut health*
- Targeted nutritional program based on your body's needs
- Advice on the best nutritional supplements to heal your gut
- Best exercises for bowel health
- Brain exercises to promote recovery through the brain-gut interaction
- Pelvic floor retraining to promote healthy bowel function (where necessary)
Total Value $425
4 consultations for $380, paid upfront or in 4 installments
*Blood tests attract separate fees
Bouncing Back with Bub Package
This package is an ideal gift for the new mum, or baby shower gift from left field! It is suitable up until the baby is one year old, and for mums who have had Caesarean section or vaginal delivery. It includes:
- Body composition analyis with computerised report and individualised exercise program including specific exercises for the abdominals (may include modified Pilates, yoga-based exercises, Fitball, free weights tailored to be safe for the postnatal period)
- Computerised dietary analysis and individually-designed eating plan and advice on nutritional supplements
- Evaluation and rehabilitation of the pelvic floor muscles*
- Nutritional and physical progam to promote scar healing where required
- Exercises you can do together with your baby
Total Value $340
3 consultations at $295, paid upfront or in 3 installments of $75
*Optional vaginal assessment of pelvic floor muscle function
Buildup for Bub Package
This package is ideal for women who are pregnant or contemplating a pregnancy. It will ensure the best possible preparation for the rigours of pregnancy, birth and the early parenting period.
Package includes:
Package includes:
- Nutritional assessment including computerised diet analysis, body composition evaluation (with printed report), assessment of individual needs and tailored nutritional program, including advice on nutritional supplements
- Physical assessment of posture and pelvic joint assessment with tailored exercise program to reduce sacro-iliac joint, pubic symphysis and coccygeal problems (may include Fitball, modified Pilates, yoga-based exercises, free weights, general exercise advice)
- Pelvic floor assessment* and specific retraining of the deep abdominal and pelvic floor muscles
Total Value $340
3 consultations for $295, paid upfront or in 3 installments of $75
*Including vaginal assessment of pelvic floor muscle function (optional, and only if not pregnant)
Vaginal Pain: Vulvodynia, Vestibulitis, Vaginismus
Vaginal pain syndromes are given various names, including vulvodynia, vestibulitis and vaginismus. There may also be Pudendal Nerve Entrapment (PNE) or Pudendal Neuralgia. Whatever the name, vaginal pain can cause a great deal of stress and interfere with your self-esteem, your relationships and your ability to enjoy life. Vaginal pain is poorly understood, and many women go from one health professional to the next, only to be told "it is all in your head" or "all the tests are normal".My experience with women with vaginal pain syndromes shows it is not "all in your head" - there are real physical problems including one or more of muscular, joint, immune, neurological and digestive. Specific pelvic floor physiotherapy really works - and when combined with nutrition medicine, the effects are even more powerful.
"Alyssa’s holistic approach to vulvodynia has certainly helped in my ability to understand and manage this awful condition. GPs are so quick to box it into a ‘psychological’ or ‘yeast’ related condition, when in fact there can be so many factors at play and needs several strategies to get it under control.
From my experience with Alyssa I’ve come to understand that vulvodynia is both a psychological and physical condition and is almost impossible to ‘fix’ without tackling it this way.
I chased my tail for two and half years before a friend recommended Alyssa and within six months I was able to regain a life without the awful pain. Alyssa empowered me with her practical and holistic approach and I came to feel in control of my vulvodynia rather than controlled by it. I’m confident now that if I ever relapse I will be able to get it under control again in no time.
It doesn’t have to be your reality – there is life after vulvodynia! I’ve just been trekking in Nepal!" Ms N, aged 32
"Alyssa’s holistic approach to vulvodynia has certainly helped in my ability to understand and manage this awful condition. GPs are so quick to box it into a ‘psychological’ or ‘yeast’ related condition, when in fact there can be so many factors at play and needs several strategies to get it under control.
From my experience with Alyssa I’ve come to understand that vulvodynia is both a psychological and physical condition and is almost impossible to ‘fix’ without tackling it this way.
I chased my tail for two and half years before a friend recommended Alyssa and within six months I was able to regain a life without the awful pain. Alyssa empowered me with her practical and holistic approach and I came to feel in control of my vulvodynia rather than controlled by it. I’m confident now that if I ever relapse I will be able to get it under control again in no time.
It doesn’t have to be your reality – there is life after vulvodynia! I’ve just been trekking in Nepal!" Ms N, aged 32
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome is a complex gut disorder that includes bothersome bowel symptoms (constipation, diarrhoea, pain, bloating). IBS often involves disturbances in the function of the hormonal, neural and immune systems as well as the digestive system. While IBS is not a psychological problem, difficulties coping with stress exacerbates the condition. Many women with IBS have food sensitivities that an experienced health professional can help identify. It is important to have blood tests to rule out coeliac disease before being given the diagnosis of IBS. Healing the gut and optimising immune function using nutrition medicine, as well as using techniques to improve stress management, are important to regain bowel health in IBS. Sometimes, pelvic floor physiotherapy is also needed, to help the bowels learn to empty correctly.
Pregnancy-Related Pain
Musculoskeletal pain is common during pregnancy, and the earlier it is addressed, the greater the likelihood of a comfortable pregnancy. However, physiotherapy can usually help regardless of how far along in your pregnancy you are. It is a myth that pain is "just part of being pregnant" - ideally, you are comfortable and fully mobile for the whole pregnancy, with some natural slowing down towards the end! Back and pelvic pain can have various causes during pregnancy. Types of back pain experienced outside of pregnancy (for example, disc problems) can occur during pregnancy as well. However, common types of pregnancy pelvic pain include pubic symphysis problems, coccyx (tailbone) pain, and sacroiliac joint problems. Successful treatment often requires manual therapy and special support belts as well as specific exercises and stretches. Belts or manual therapy by themselves will not resolve the problem long-term, and keep in mind that manipulation of the spine during pregnancy can be dangerous.
Pregnancy is an exciting but sometimes challenging time; have a look at this site on Birth to help with other aspects of pregnancy, birth and parenting.
Pregnancy is an exciting but sometimes challenging time; have a look at this site on Birth to help with other aspects of pregnancy, birth and parenting.
Chronic Pelvic Pain
Chronic pelvic pain can have a multitude of medical causes, and being fully checked out by your GP, and sometimes a specialist, is essential. However, some pelvic pain persists long after the original injury, and successful treatment depends on a holistic approach. A holistic approach involves correcting any muscle and joint factors contributing to the pain; optimising nutrition to promote healing; and using specific exercises targeting the changes to the central and peripheral nervous systems.
Interstitial Cystitis
Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder Syndrome involve severe pain that is partially relieved after emptying the bladder. Often, there is frequency (the need to go to the toilet a lot) and urgency (difficulty getting there in time). IC and PBS are poorly understood, and medical treatment for them is often inadequate. Some research suggests that IC is an autoimmune disorder. Whatever the case, IC and PBS always involve inflammation. Addressing tightness of muscles of the pelvis and the pelvic floor helps with symptoms. Many women with interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome have food sensitivities, so a combination of physiotherapy and nutrition medicine is a powerful approach.
Vaginal Prolapse
A vaginal prolapse is a bulging of the bladder, uterus or bowel into the vagina. Around 50% of women who have ever had a child will have a prolapse, but young women who have never had children can also experience one, especially if they are hypermobile ("double-jointed") or suffer constipation. It can be frightening when a prolapse is experienced as a sudden bulge or feeling or something coming out of the vagina. A prolapse can give symptoms of incomplete emptying of the bladder, or inability to empty the bowels even when you can tell the stools are "right there". A severe prolapse can only be helped with surgery, but milder prolapse can improve greatly with pelvic floor physiotherapy, targeted nutrition and reduction of abdominal fat. Beware of abdominal crunches and Pilates, as these can worsen a prolapse.
Incontinence, or the accidental leakage or urine or faeces, needs no explanation to anyone who suffers from it. It can be embarassing and distressing, and has a way of running your life. Many women go to great lengths to control (and hide) the problem. One in three women experience incontinence, and ironically, many women who do feel very alone. Contrary to popular belief, younger women who have never had children can experience it too. Pelvic floor exercises, when done incorrectly, can actually exacerbate the problem, and being given a specific program by a pelvic floor physiotherapist is essential for good results. Digestive and nutritional problems can also hinder success, and it is important to get them treated as well. The longer incontinence is left, the worse it gets - but the good news is it is never too late to get treatment.
"I have been suffering with bladder weakness for many years only when I played sport with a bit of impact and jumping. I found this very embarrassing and always wore a liner. Visiting Alyssa I realized that there was a lot more going on the some sub-standard pelvic floor muscles. I feel inspired to tell others to talk about their problem and seek advice because since I have spoken to people about it, many people identify and understand but haven’t put their hand up to seek medical attention. I would urge people to see Alyssa today and put their problems to rest." Ms K, aged 31
"I have been suffering with bladder weakness for many years only when I played sport with a bit of impact and jumping. I found this very embarrassing and always wore a liner. Visiting Alyssa I realized that there was a lot more going on the some sub-standard pelvic floor muscles. I feel inspired to tell others to talk about their problem and seek advice because since I have spoken to people about it, many people identify and understand but haven’t put their hand up to seek medical attention. I would urge people to see Alyssa today and put their problems to rest." Ms K, aged 31
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