Vaginal pain syndromes are given various names, including vulvodynia, vestibulitis and vaginismus. There may also be Pudendal Nerve Entrapment (PNE) or Pudendal Neuralgia. Whatever the name, vaginal pain can cause a great deal of stress and interfere with your self-esteem, your relationships and your ability to enjoy life. Vaginal pain is poorly understood, and many women go from one health professional to the next, only to be told "it is all in your head" or "all the tests are normal".My experience with women with vaginal pain syndromes shows it is not "all in your head" - there are real physical problems including one or more of muscular, joint, immune, neurological and digestive. Specific pelvic floor physiotherapy really works - and when combined with nutrition medicine, the effects are even more powerful.
"Alyssa’s holistic approach to vulvodynia has certainly helped in my ability to understand and manage this awful condition. GPs are so quick to box it into a ‘psychological’ or ‘yeast’ related condition, when in fact there can be so many factors at play and needs several strategies to get it under control.
From my experience with Alyssa I’ve come to understand that vulvodynia is both a psychological and physical condition and is almost impossible to ‘fix’ without tackling it this way.
I chased my tail for two and half years before a friend recommended Alyssa and within six months I was able to regain a life without the awful pain. Alyssa empowered me with her practical and holistic approach and I came to feel in control of my vulvodynia rather than controlled by it. I’m confident now that if I ever relapse I will be able to get it under control again in no time.
It doesn’t have to be your reality – there is life after vulvodynia! I’ve just been trekking in Nepal!" Ms N, aged 32